
Terms of payment

How to order:

An order at Vinreoler by OMANN on vinreoler.omann.dk takes place by pressing the 'Add to cart' button next to the new items. Then press "Go to checkout". From there, press "Continue" and you will come to a page where you must enter your contact information. You enter her name, address, postal code, via, e-mail and telephone number. Here you must also accept our terms and conditions.

Finally, press "Complete payment", and your order is hereby placed. When you press "Complete payment" in the payment window, you are obliged to pay, and your order is thus placed with a payment obligation.

Prices and payment:

You can order your goods online and pay with the following cards: Dankort, Visa, Master Card.

Omann Aps reserved the right to regulate the prices on the website in the event of price changes, material price increases, changes in wages, government intervention or other matters beyond Omann Aps' influence.

All prices on vinreoler.omann.dk are incl. mothers. The payment will appear in your account as Omann Aps, as this is our company name.

Order confirmation:

All orders are confirmed automatically per. E-mail, and the delivery time will then be approx. 3-4 weeks. (A dog is taken subject to force majeure, which may delay your order)